Monday, September 24, 2007


Today I had a fine day. I talked with some people in the nursing home, and we had some okay conversations. I felt like I didn't really get deep, and the most benefit anyone really felt was probably just having a pleasant social interaction. One of the people did talk about some trauma, but she minimized it, and she didn't pick up on any of my follow-up questions. At the end of the day, I felt a little irrelevant. I guess one of the big challenges for me will be finding my own authority. I'm used to having tasks of some sort: clean the floor, cook the food, paint the doorways, hold the workshop, plan the event, etc. I think the challenge for me right now is to believe that I have something to offer. I have something to offer someone that is worth interrupting the TV or the dozing or the staring-off-into-space. Or at least that's the idea. We'll see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Wade,
I remember what you are describing oh so well during my first weeks at San Francisco General Hospital. What use am I, I'm not doing anything!?!
Practice patience and remember that showing up is 95% of it. The rest is that you are honoring folks when you let them decide whether you are the person to whom they wish to talk about personal and intimate things (esp if they are in a facility where much is decided for them by doctors, nurses, administrators). Knowing you as I do, you will be. They will come to know your gentle nature and non-judging presence. And you will come to see their hearts most truly over time.
Rooting for your in berkeley,