Sunday, April 26, 2009

On Reading EJoye's Ordination Paper

I just finished reading my friend EJoye's ordination paper, in which she writes about her faith and understanding of history of the United Church of Christ. I am grateful for the gift she had given in writing it, and all I can figure out in response is a meditation on words as boxes - gifts and containers. I cannot capture my emotional and physical and intellectual responses here. You had to be there.

On Reading EJoye’s Ordination Paper


If words are boxes,

they contain the uncontainable.

They capture a piece

of what’s all around us

within rigid walls

of inescapable meaning.


If words are boxes,

they can be opened

like gifts –

Releasing a piece

of what’s all around us

to breathe with us.


If words are boxes,

they can be passed around,

turned over and shaken,

squeezed and pinched,

delighted in

as gifts to and from each other.


If words are boxes,

they can cross the globe

like parcel post.

They can be rubbed

like Aladdin’s lamp.

They can be cracked

like eggshells or codes.

They can be sliced open

like surgery or hotdog packages

They can be opened

like Pandora’s box,

releasing wonder and horror,

cruelty and hope.

They can be the way

we can capture and enforce

the violence of existence.

or the way we capture and share

the magic of existence.


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Wade: If this is what you got from what I wrote, then I have accomplished my task.

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