Friday, October 17, 2008

update on 8

Today in the mail, I got a "Cops Voter Guide," which has an image of a police offers on the front. After getting pissed off about a few things on it, I noticed that it doesn't seem to be affiliated with any actual police officers. And most of the endorsements are paid for.
Be that as it may, this little postcard says to vote yes on 8 0 "Restore traditional marriage. Cops know children raised by a married mother and father have the best chance for success. Prop 8 strengthens traditional marriage." First of all, why should I trust a cop to tell me about marriage? How does he or she have any more authority than anyone else? Second of all, my partner and I have quite a traditional relationship. We don't want to wake up when the alarm goes off. We deal with budgets and car issues. I make dinner and he cleans up the dishes. We share taking out the recycling and trash. We call each other at lunchtime and talk about each other's day. We go to bed early a lot. I challenge you to find how our home wouldn't be a good place to raise successful children. Let's not kid ourselves - the success of children rests not on the marriage status of the parents but on the quality of parenting, and support systems like financial, educational, social...

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