Saturday, November 17, 2007

happy anniversary

Yesterday, the 16th, we celebrated the anniversary of our first date. On 16 November 2006, we met (after I responded to his ad on Craigslist in October) at the 12th St Oakland Bart stop. I was there first, waiting for him to arrive, watching different people walk by. I saw a guy who matched his description, and I thought, "Wow! That guy's hot! I wonder if that's him? No, it can't be." But he kept walking toward me, and he introduced himself. I couldn't believe that such a handsome man would be meeting me for a date! We went to The Golden Lotus and I babbled and then felt embarrassed for babbling. He had to go to a movie about mountain biking later that evening, and I went into San Francisco to visit my friend Anna who was doing an overnight on-call at her CPE residency.
I was so excited that I had a date with such an amazing guy...and he wanted to see me again!

A year has passed, and I am still excited and happy. I have never felt so deeply connected, so much support and love, and so much attraction to another person. With my partner, I am able to be myself, to admit vulnerabilities and also improve myself and my relationship. He's the handsomest, most attractive man in the world, and I am the luckiest guy in the world to be loved and to love him. Our relationship is honest, deep, and rich with caring, support, and creativity. The more time we spend together, the more I get to know him, the more I'm excited and the more I want to spend more time being together.
As I've written before, I could talk for hours about how amazing he is, but I'll stop for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Happy anniversary!