Friday, March 20, 2009

One of the most significant comments of my life.

I posted this on facebook last night, but since some of the people mentioned in it aren’t on facebook, and just maybe they read my blog sometimes, I wanted to post it here:

Many of you know that once a week, I work with an organization called Care Through Touch Institute (CTI), where I do chair massage and acupressure with homeless and low-income folks in San Francisco (in the Tenderloin, for those who know the area).

Tonight my supervisor shared a compliment, which keeps making me cry. I think it's a real tribute to many of the people in my life (many of the women, particularly) who helped shaped me into the person I am. I'm tagging some of the most significant people in my facebook note. My mom and sister and nieces aren't on facebook, but they should know their part in giving me some of the first reasons to care about feminism, before I realized how liberating it is for me as a guy, too. Carol Spangler (who saved my life in high school) should be mentioned here. And of course I want to mention my fiance who supports me in doing work that touches my heart. There are a lot of people who have crossed their paths with mine, who I don't even know by name, too.

I substituted a few weeks ago at a drop-in center whose clients are primarily from a nearby women's shelter. Many of the women there have had some really tough life situations, and a lot have suffered horrible abuse at the hands of men. One of them in particular talked with me about how afraid she was to consider even being in a room with, let alone be touched by, a man - but she wanted to push herself that day, to try to trust me.
My supervisor told me tonight that several of the women told her how comfortable they felt with me, and that I gave them a gift, being a man, giving them a few moments of relaxation and massage.

I am grateful to the many people who have helped to form me. You all have helped me to become the guy who was allowed (who was given the gift) to be in the room with these women. Thank you. I am humbled by the thought of how many people inspired me, had patience with me, taught me from their own wisdom and experience, and nurtured me to be the best person I can be.


Anonymous said...

I am not one of the women in your life, but I am still proud of who you have become. I don't claim any credit either, but you still make me proud! Dad

Anonymous said...

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