Monday, May 12, 2008

A visitation of goats

There is an enormous herd of goats outside our window right now. They seem to be herding one direction--all facing the same way and waiting. A couple of them buck horns, and one little one ventures away from the herd to drink water. I think they're supposed to be mowing the grass, but maybe they're not hungry.
I reflect on how funny it is that I'm fascinated. I've passed this herd when they've been mowing on other hills near here, and there are always a couple of cars and bystanders stopped and just staring at them. There's something mysterious and compelling about them, and I can't help but watch--even though they're just milling about.
I also reflect on the fact that it's cool the City of Oakland uses goats to mow the hills instead of lawnmowers. I also reflect on the fact that these hills are too steep to mow safely with a mower anyway.
Gotta love ecosystems!

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