....that the corporation wasn't as bad as it seemed. But at the same time, they turned to a really silly end that undercut its classic feel. Maybe I'm overly sensitive, but the insane murderous veteran not only made the whole thing feel hollow (the way it pointed to big powers-that-be but then...oops, after all, it was just a corrupt politician and a crazy guy after all!). It also made it nasty. The trauma suffered by veterans is real. The so-called mental illness is real - a adaptation to war that doesn't translate well back home. So not only was the ending of this movie pointlessly overcomplicated, but it also presented yet more fodder for discrimination and mistrust. It fed the same mentality that created a generation of homeless Vietnam vets, and is currently feeding the next generation of OEF/OIF homeless and traumatized vets.
That's my soapbox for today.