Sunday, October 12, 2008

conservative Christian sexual crises

Today I talked with my mom about some relatives going through a family crisis. The father, a leader in his church, has had a private practice for a long time, and recently the oldest sons, along with a few other unnamed clients, were part of an investigation that revoked the father's license due to sexual assault during some treatment sessions, when the son was a child. In public statements, the son emphasized that he acted out of love and hope that his father can get help. You can imagine the fallout, the guilt, shame, family divisions, anger, counter-accusations, acrimony...
This is a family I grew up with. The oldest son was my age, and I remember him stealing my bubble gum and letting me shoot tin cans with his bb gun. This is also a very conservative, evangelical Christian family. It reminds me of other sexual crises among conservative evangelical Christians. I have a knee-jerk reaction when I hear those stories: I gloat that these supposed morally pure folks are being exposed for the repression that undergirds their hatred. When I heard about this, I had the knee-jerk reaction, but I also reacted to the sorrow and trauma, the awfulness that lies in the aftermath of the father's actions and the investigation later. It's a different side of the public shame and humiliation.
It leaves me with a lot to think about in my knee-jerk reactions and how I hear about moral crusades, sexual repression, and shame.

It may also effect my response to recent emails sent by my brother & sister-in-law, which sound the moral conservative Christian alarms they're sounding about "if Obama takes over the presidency!" They pray against him (and somehow link a friend's trip to Egypt to fear that "Arabs will take over the US" and create noise, trash, and air pollution).
My prayer is that hatred and ignorance are transformed by love, and that Christians recognize our religious duty to be radically loving, radically welcoming, and hopeful in creating justice, mutuality, and respect for the global & multispiritual community we exist in.

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